Most recent posts in Club News

In this category, we post the news items that inform Wessex OC members on what is happening within the club community. Posts are only shown on the main Club News page if they are published by the club editors. For non-Editors, if members happen to publish posts in this category, those are only shown elsewhere.

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Tribute to Kay Sayer by Ian

29th August 1946 – 25th October 2020 Kay and I met at Christchurch Rowing Club in 1974 soon after the breakup of her first marriage. Within 2 years we had moved in together and we jointly raised her 2 sons as our own. She briefly tried rowing but that didn’t fit well with raising a […]

Chairman’s Chat 20th October

From Vice Chairman, Gavin: Joni Mitchell was singing Big Yellow Taxi on the radio the other day. Part of the lyrics are: “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” this certainly resonated about our Sport this year. Being the creative bunch we are, we have learnt […]

Chairman’s Chat 13th October

  One of the few benefits of an orienteering calendar with hardly any events in was that at very short notice we were able to postpone the Agglestone event as Storm Alex approached, and re-schedule it the following week. Thankfully we swapped rain and wind for beautiful Purbeck sunshine and were able to show off […]

Chairman’s Chat 29th September

This is my first Chairman’s chat as Chairman, so a quick thanks to those who sanctioned the decision and to Julie and Jason for handing over the reins. Thanks to Gavin who has stepped up to support as Vice Chair. You won’t want to hear from me every week, so I will update every so […]

Co-Chairman’s Chat – July 6th

It’s great to see that 19 WSX members have been taking part in the MapRun Summer League – and dominating the top 10 positions! In the 4 events held so far, in which Alan Blanchflower has swept all opponents aside, WSX runners have held at least 7 of the top 10 places. Last week’s event […]
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Orienteering Club