Most recent posts in Club News

In this category, we post the news items that inform Wessex OC members on what is happening within the club community. Posts are only shown on the main Club News page if they are published by the club editors. For non-Editors, if members happen to publish posts in this category, those are only shown elsewhere.

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Club Members represent England

Club members make England Debut WSX OC members, Ian Middlebrook & John Cook are set to make their England debut at the Yorkshire Marathon on  20th October. They qualified for the Age Group Masters team following strong runs at the Bournemouth Marathon last year. They will compete for England in their respective age groups in […]

Co-Chairman’s Chat – October 8th

What a fine day we had on Sunday at our Dorset Delight at Holmsley. I’ve already sent round a message to club members thanking everyone for their contribution, so I won’t repeat it all again. But I must emphasise what a large undertaking it is to put on an event – most of which the competitor […]
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Orienteering Club