Most recent posts in Club News
Autumn is definitely upon us now, and the darkening evenings are becoming more apparent. But don’t despair – the Wessex Region Night League will soon be upon us!! The final list of events will soon be published – Gavin Clegg is working hard at this very moment on the it – but there’s guaranteed to be […]
So where has the ‘summer’ gone? Autumn is definitely in the air now, which I personally don’t mind (especially as I’m off to Italy for a month in two weeks time!), but hopefully we’ll have a lovely September, and maybe, even, October. Often the loveliest months. Anyway, last weekend saw quite a few club members […]
A few (foolish?) club members ran in the heat today at the Abingdon Urban event. The setting was lovely – with a pretty walk alongside the Thames and across the weir to the assembly area in the shady meadow. The results were as follows: Rob Hick 26th/42 M40 (running up a class – and the […]
All the details of our forthcoming AGM and Quiz Night can be found here. We’d love to see most of the club there to take part in the amazing quiz that Ian provides, as well as attend the VERY brief AGM, ideally.