Most recent posts in Event Reports

Posts that are describing experiences of a Wessex OC member attending an event.

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Co-Chairmans Chat 23 April

J.K Time. Every few years we have a late Easter and great weather for the entire time, last weekend was one of those times. Funny I remember once in about 2008 when the J.K was also in Surrey Hills some Swedish friends had travelled over for the event weekend and experienced the foulest freezing sleety […]

Co Chairmans Chat 16 April

Tisbury Urban event in the daytime! First time for this use by SARUM of Tisbury which you remember was 13 November in last seasons Wessex Night League. We had 8 members travel up and race hard on sunday, Andrew Beldowski one of the clubs founding members was over from France for the weekend too. Our […]

Co Chairmans Chat 09 April.

Its Live! My work at the Nothe Gardens Weymouth came to life on sunday with the grand opening of the permanent course I mapped, planned and installed permanent courses for alongside Di Tilsley from Wimborne. Press. This was a public opening promoted by Public Health Dorset, Live Well Dorset and Weymouth Town Council. You remember […]

Co Chairmans Chat 26th March

Spring has sprung and its shorts and teeshirt weather again for us outdoor folks, so Saturday we had our yearly Prizegiving and Social at Queens Park,  both WIM and WSX giving the trophies for achievements made during the year. Many members were away so only a couple of pictures above but congratulations to prize winners, […]

Co Chairmans Chat 19 March

Compass Sport Trophy in Roundhill New Forest. Our team co-ordinator James Crickmore said :- “Thank you for everyone who came along to the Compass Sport Trophy Round today. It was rather wet underfoot with the occasional downpour from the skies, but it was nice to have a good area of runnable woodland for a change. […]
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Orienteering Club