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Many apologies from Hackney as working a night shift and finishing at 0500 the day of the event. So I should be snoring well past the start time. I wish the event every success though.
Sunday’s BOK South West League event was in one of the more technical areas in the South West, Stockhill, in the Mendips. It was used for the British Middle distance champs in 2018. Stockhill is a forest plantation overlying an area previously used for mining, so lots of depressions and pits everywhere. We had a […]
It was the NGOC 50th anniversary this weekend, with some top quality forest races up in the Forest Of Dean. As always some Club members went up for the weekend, Knockalls on the saturday was a middle distance race, which looked like a great technical area. On Brown Jolyon took a 9th Ron Hick competed […]
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to another year of orienteering! Martin Down – New Year’s Day Score The first event of 2020, organised by SARUM, was a score event on Martin Down, a new area. WSX had some high scorers in the top 10. With Jolyon in […]
Happy Holidays! My monthly post is around night league events this time, end of the Autumn and into the last quarter of the year outdoors. Wednesday last week a few of us headed up to Winchester for the Night League Event 11. It was a filthy night and despite this 52 participants. 4 Years ago […]