Posts Tagged ‘Chairman’s Chat’

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Chairman’s Covid Chat – April 7th

Well, here we are in week 3 of ‘lockdown’ and how life has changed for us all. Obviously, there’s no orienteering to chat about but I thought I’d write anyway and keep in touch. I don’t know about you, but I’m finding I’m doing more daily exercise than I did before! Because we’re ‘rationed’ to […]

Co Chairmans Chat 17 March

  Compass Sport  Trophy. Our WSX members made the 122 mile journey to Gloucestershire on Sunday and I for one was glad to get the chance to race in a time when loads of things are being cancelled. Even up to a day before we had 20 entered but due to various reasons 17 people […]

Chairman’s Chat 11th March

Just a short report this week. Because of all the rainfall in the past few weeks the SARUM Event at Fonthill was cancelled, which was a shame because it was right on our door step. We couldn’t go through a weekend without not running so we decided to head over to the middle distance NGOC event on Minchinhampton […]

Co-Chairman’s Chat – March 4th

Luckily, Storm Jorge managed to skirt our part of the world last weekend, so our SW Orienteering League event (formerly known as the Galoppen) at Blackwater was blessed with great weather. Mind you, a few days earlier the Controller (Kevin Pickering) had been out to the area to check if there were any fallen trees […]

Chairman’s Chat 25th February

First of all, apologies for the late posting, but I am abroad with limited wifi. Quite a lot to report this week, we have four reports from members to read, two from a South West Training 3 day event in the Lake District, from the perspective of a junior (Lyra) and a parent (Nicola). Then […]
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Orienteering Club