Posts Tagged ‘Chairman’s Chat’

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Chairman’s Chat – November 14th 2017

Only one set of results has come through for the events over the past 5 days (how impatient we get these days – remember when we had to wait two or three weeks for the results to come through the post?!) But the results for the Devon Galoppen on Haytor last Sunday were available that […]

Chairman’s Chat – November 7th, 2017

I’m sitting here on a Tuesday afternoon with the rain pouring down outside thinking “Weren’t we lucky with the weather over the last three days of events”. The triple series started with the Southampton City Race on Saturday, based in a very futuristic-looking Solent University building called The Spark. It was a great event, favouring […]

Chairman’s Chat – October 23rd 2017

Well, after a month’s travelling around Italy in the sunshine, and no orienteering activity whatsoever, it was tough going for me at yesterday’s Mole Valley event at Epsom Racecourse. Only four from WSX went – Ian, Kay, Rob and myself – on what was a bright but windy day. The map consisted of the racecourse […]

Chairman’s Chat – 18th September 2017

Last Friday we had a very sociable AGM/Quiz Night at Queens Park, albeit rather overwhelmed initially by all the Bournemouth FC fans who were having a pre-match pint and burger before heading off for the match (which Bournemouth won – at last!!) The Minutes of the meeting will shortly be published on the website, on […]

Chairman’s Chat – September 12th 2017

Autumn is definitely upon us now, and the darkening evenings are becoming more apparent. But don’t despair – the Wessex Region Night League will soon be upon us!! The final list of events will soon be published  – Gavin Clegg is working hard at this very moment on the it – but there’s guaranteed to be […]
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Orienteering Club