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PACE COUNTING I prepared these notes for the Social Evening in June. They may be of more general interest around the club. I’m afraid however that you missed making an exhibition of yourselves in running up and down my road over a 100 metre stretch. What is it? A simple technique to tell you roughly […]
Notes From A (not so) Fat Controller I am a Grade 3 Controller. That means that I am “qualified” to control events staged by other clubs up to Colour Coded standard. For Badge Events a Grade 2 Controller is required and Grade 1’s can control National Events. It is not hard to become a Grade […]
Keeping On An Even Keel In April Richard Arman wrote a very interesting piece about contouring round hillsides. He found a compass helpful and I am going to try his approach. The method I find works for me relies on judgement only. Typically you have just found your control half way up a rather long […]
Simple (Not So) Night Orienteering The number one problem about it is that, well, it’s dark, thus you cannot see things very easily. All the usual daytime hazards are there; bog, brashings, fight, climb and rain, but insect life is not very evident – perhaps they are all in bed. So to combat the dark, […]
A Real Live Platform How many of you know that the little brown triangle – the platform – which is frequently found on maps from the Forest of Dean or the Quantocks actually stands for ‘charcoal burners platform or circle’. In former times, when the charcoal burners were working in forests on hillsides, they needed […]