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Hello Half Term people. The clocks have done that debatable thing in changing again so I hope youre starting to make the adjustments- Im writing this before 8 today, as the only way I can deal with it is getting up at first light, 630 to make the most of the days of Autumn. So […]
Hello. Its been a busy few days for me this is a round up of last Saturday, Sunday and Yesterdays Night League Event 1. In 2004-2008 my first o club was South Midlands based around North Bucks, after getting involved with them I quickly got roped into helping at events which was fine as I […]
Hello, Been away- Hope everyone enjoyed the very windy Dorset Delight– looks to have been another great team work day with some good results. Thanks Julie for writing the day up – I still havent seen any pics did anyone get any? I was also watching the second event of the season in the New […]
Its the start of the Orienteering season of old, it used to be that from now on in the bracken died down enough that forests were again available to compete in. These days of course we have as many Urbans as every other type of event, so the calendar is full as ever all year. […]
Well theres a knowing smile from Julie for the start of this weeks post, and very happy to add her report on the London City Race. Bit of an Urban focus this week which is good because if you havent set up the Night League dates in the diary this year its time to get […]