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8.8km 80m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Clive Hallett BOK M50 67:55
2nd Robert Ashton BAOC M21 79:11
3rd Rob Parkinson DEVON M55 81:02
4th Steven Horsler WIM M45 85:03
5th Peter Suba WSX M40 87:05
6th Phil Newall KERNO M50 90:26
7th Judith Austerberry NGOC W40 90:54
8th Richard Cottle BOK M50 94:19
9th Andrew Rowe POTOC M35 97:12
10th Jason Falconer WSX M40 97:51
11th Annie Crookshank WIM W21 99:08
12th Jason Edwards BAOC M45 108:50
13th Paul Fox SN M50 109:27
14th Allan McCall NGOC M45 110:16
15th Mark Saunders BKO M35 117:07
16th Colin Swallow SN M55 126:24
rtd Jo Pickering WIM W21  
m11-25 Chris Lee IND M35 44:42
m1-25 John Cook WSX M55 74:22



6.6km 90m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Jamie Hicks SOC M20 55:28
2nd Chris Moncaster KERNO M60 56:31
3rd Dale Paget WSX M50 58:13
4th David Harper DEVON M60 59:35
5th Colin Dickson BAOC M60 60:28
6th Andy Creber NGOC M55 63:15
7th Gavin Clegg QO M60 65:50
8th Mark Hanby SARUM M45 67:39
9th Graham Whiffen WSX M45 68:39
10th Kevin Bracher SOC M60 70:46
11th Robin Smith SOC M60 73:13
12th Martin Goddard SARUM M55 74:12
13th Paul Lane BAOC M55 74:31
14th Tim Houlder WSX M55 75:42
15th Tessa Stone DEVON W45 75:58
16th David May SLOW M65 76:11
17th Jackie Hallett BOK W55 76:35
18th Dale Garwood IND M50 76:50
19th Bruno Smith WSX M50 78:17
20th Bryan Smith DEVON M60 79:18
21st Brian Johnson WIM M60 80:51
22nd Nick Nourse NWO M50 81:04
23rd Lisa James SOC W45 81:26
24th Mike Goldthorpe SOC M55 83:26
25th Andrew Howard WIM M40 83:47
26th Alan Richards NGOC M65 84:47
27th David Isaacson WIM M50 85:41
28th Tamsin Horsler WIM W45 86:52
29th Stephen Beal NWO M21 87:01
30th= Nigel Heppenstall BAOC M45 88:00
30th= Joe House SO M60 88:00
32nd Kieran Devine SOC M60 89:56
33rd Stephen Eastley KERNO M60 90:59
34th Adele Newall KERNO W50 91:26
35th Colin Hicks SOC M60 91:41
36th Jane Archer SN W60 91:44
37th Philip Fawkner-Corbett BOK M60 93:30
38th Laurence Gossage BOK M65 93:41
39th David Wilcox IND W50 96:06
40th Alan Simpson DEVON M70 96:46
41st Mike Furlong WIM M55 97:21
42nd Megan Ashton RMOC W21 97:50
43rd Paul Emmerson SN M60 106:52
44th David Mullins SARUM M65 110:13
45th Matthew Knipe QO M50 114:35
46th Ted Mcdonald BOK M70 115:53
m6 Ian Peirce SARUM M70 74:04



4.1km 35m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Wendy Bullen WIM W45 43:22
2nd Nigel Benham SARUM M50 43:46
3rd Roy Heselden BADO M65 44:59
4th Peter Wilson BKO M55 45:40
5th Hugh Risebrow SOC M50 45:45
6th Elisabeth Dickson BAOC W55 45:51
7th Robert Munday WIM M16 45:52
8th John Shucksmith WIM M65 47:05
9th Rob Taylor HOC M45 47:54
10th Mike Christopher WIM M60 48:35
11th Eddie Whittle BKO M45 50:06
12th Carol House SO W55 52:51
13th Carol Prosser BAOC W50 53:38
14th Wendy Heard WIM W50 55:16
15th Roger Moore WIM M60 57:08
16th Laura Wilcox WSX W50 57:42
17th Fred Thomson RMOC M45 57:54
18th Brian Hart SARUM M70 59:02
19th Judith Taylor HOC W50 59:22
20th Peter Brett DEVON M65 59:52
21st Gavin Avey-Hebditch WSX M55 60:08
22nd Anne May SLOW W65 60:10
23rd John Trayler QO M70 63:30
24th Michael Molloy SPLOT M55 64:41
25th Nicola Brooke WSX W45 64:49
26th Kerrie Benham SARUM W50 65:58
27th Caroline Christopher WIM W60 66:31
28th Denise Mullins SARUM W60 69:19
29th Pete Akers QO M60 71:14
30th Katherine Pike WIM W50 71:37
31st Liz Lockton WSX W55 71:55
32nd Helen Hodge WIM W50 73:14
33rd Arthur Vince KERNO M75 73:30
34th Hannah Phillips NWO W21 73:42
35th Sarah Houlder WSX W55 76:21
36th Jim Graham Ind M60 76:27
37th Hilary Eastley KERNO W60 83:24
38th Neville Bibby QO M70 86:15
39th Pat Hart SARUM W70 92:49
40th Christine Vince KERNO W60 100:53
m10 Gwyn Davies SARUM M60 41:04
m5 Richard Raynsford BOK M65 62:14
m5 Carol Taverner WIGHTO W55 82:44

Short Green


3km 40m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Peter Hambleton SARUM M70 41:03
2nd Ben Risebrow SOC M14 44:42
3rd Bill Brown WSX M75 48:37
4th Sue Hands WIM W65 50:19
5th Celia Robertson WSX W60 54:16
6th Steve Taverner WIGHTO M55 57:04
7th Toni Whittle BKO W45 57:14
8th Richard Brightman WIM M75 57:56
9th Gill Thomlinson SOC W65 58:18
10th Tracy Crickmore WSX W50 60:51
11th Roger Hills WIM M80 62:31
12th Kay Sayer WSX W65 62:44
13th Clare Fletcher BOK W70 64:02
14th John Woodall NOC M75 69:14
15th John Thompson TVOC M80 71:49
16th Robin Walker BOK M75 72:07
17th Adrian Dawson SARUM M55 73:01
18th Anne-Marie Hillier BKO W60 73:31
19th David Bland WIM M75 78:52
20th Freda Peirce SARUM W70 83:20
21st Geoffrey Geere TVOC M85 89:31
22nd John Coleman NGOC M80 92:19
23rd Judith Bland WIM W75 93:11
24th Joan Hambleton SARUM W70 98:18
25th Sheila Gold WSX W60 98:42
26th Isabel Buenida WIM W21 99:33
27th Richard Arman WSX M85 118:46
m2 rtd Patricia Walker BOK W70  
m11-12 Anne Saunders NWO W60 226:08

Light Green


3.6km 50m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Eva Maierhofer WIM W21 42:17
2nd Sarah Horsler WIM W14 46:21
3rd Cloe Paget WSX W12 62:54
4th Katherine Dean WSX W45 81:34
5th Wendy Lloyd IND W50 84:36
6th Daniele Fawkner-Corbett BOK W60 98:01
7th Alan Hooper WSX M70 106:09
rtd Tim Spenlove-Brown QO M70  



3.1km 40m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Alice Risebrow SOC W16 52:44
2nd Paul Pickering WIM M21 55:38
3rd Agnes Brooke WSX W12 58:31
4th Elizabeth Horsler WIM W12 59:20
5th Zoe Paget WSX W12 71:14
6th Yvette Paget WSX W12 73:27
7th Valerie Carder IND W45 74:22
8th Perrin Family BKO W12 84:13
9th L-J Evans and Serena Sheldrake IND W65 94:15
dnf Mark London IND M45  
m1 m6 m9-10 Tonia Silk IND W70 118:59



2.2km 10m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Arthur Brooke WSX M10 12:20
2nd Deborah Blair IND W14 14:15
3rd Harry Bratcher-Howard WIM M10 16:22
4th Rose Taylor HOC W10 23:08
5th Sarah Bernardes IND W30 37:00
6th Eric IND M7 55:53



1.7km 5m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Deborah Blair IND W14 9:11
2nd Destiny Wilcox WSX W10 12:43
3rd Monty Bratcher-Howard WIM M10 13:42
4th Eric Plummer IND W14 14:04
5th Matthew Plummer IND M7 18:16
6th Rose Cameron WIM W4 21:35